It might seem to be the essence of racing in the single that you're alone. But, believe me, Iwould have never made it that far without all the support and interest I experienced during the recent months.
There are two German sayings which I think get the point of what I experienced this year:
Glück verdoppelt sich, wenn man es teilt (Happiness doubles when you share it.)
Geteiltes Leid ist halbes Leid (Shared sorrow is half sorrow.)
My friends, family and my wonderful colleagues from all over Airbus were euphorically commenting on every single medal.
Congratulations Judith. Wonderful achievement !
Ich gratuliere dir. Das ist eine großartige Leistung. Weiter so. die werden aus dem Wundern nicht heraus kommen.
Glad you succeed in this championship, good Luck for Rio !
Last time we met I forgot to ask you where you kept (showed?) all your medals. You will be running out of space, if you keep competing like this!
Traumhaft, herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Viel Glückwünsche, Judith!!! Du bist eine Champion!!!!
But, first of all, I'm deeply moved by all the messages you sent me to cheer me up after the unpleasant final in Lucerne, and my doubts about my performance in the world championship final. I've had times in my life when I felt that the only kind of positive response I could get was admiration and it makes me proud and comfortable that there are so many people around me now who actually just LIKE me for what I am.
You will be always our WINNER, even if you are not at podium.
I am sure you are fighting with people dedicated only to row and not to work.
Continue rowing and be happy!!!
Don’t forget you belong to the worlds best.
We are always proud to have such a successful colleague like you.
We will keep on crossing our fingers for each competition you will attend.
Pero eres grande Judith, he sentido mucho orgullo por ti al verte en la final. Una final no es "cualquier cosa"
Thanks to all of you!